Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hello From the New World!

At the EU Central Bank
Hello from the New World, a.k.a. the Real World (& not the one on MTV) -

Over the past few months, I have studied abroad, traveled throughout Western Europe and ... started a new job! Whoo hoo! All very exciting, but of course, not without lessons to be learned and shared. So, get ready; here we go! 

Let's start with a glimpse into the newest phase of the grad school experience: the post-grad career path.

You may - as I did - assume that once you complete your MBA and devote the status quo 10-12 weeks to job hunting, you'll fall into your ideal job, the one that will allow you to:
  1. Put that brand spankin' new MBA to use 
  2. Finally get your foot in the door of that glamorous/prestigious/cutting-edge/cutthroat company you've had your eye on for as long as you can remember
  3. Make $120,000+ a year
  4. Make the world a better place
  5. Have a work/life balance and energy to enjoy it
What I Expected...

Silly rabbit!

I'll tell you, I expected the journey that began with grad school to immediately and seamlessly continue into a career path that was everything I was looking for with no adjustment period, learning curve or corporate culture shock. Naive, huh? 

One of the hardest realities to wrap my head around was this: If you are completely changing fields (or even companies), you will not feel comfortable or competent for at least three months. Three MONTHS?! Talk about a hard pill to swallow! But, it's true.

The First Three Months

After that little nugget has soaked in, I found a few of the coping strategies that have helped me maintain my composure and helped me keep on keepin' on. Maybe they will serve you the same.

Breathe. Take a walk. Take a break. Make a friend. Call a friend. Do whatever it takes to recharge your batteries and revive your confidence in yourself. (I have even set alerts on my phone to remind me every few hours to take a deep breath. Seriously.)

Enduring the temporary discomfort at this stage requires a serious adjustment period. Blend in having to learn a new industry, a new product line, a new company, a new boss, a new team, a new area of town, new time/project management skills … It will blow your mind! Clean up, aisle 2!

But I have also learned, that even though it will take time to soar to the the rockstar status we may have achieved in a previous life (as a student, a CEO, a stay-at-home parent, etc.), we are equipped with the skills and the strength to succeed. Just be patient, believe in yourself, breathe, and reboot. You got this!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Have you checked out The Ladders?!

Hello, everyone!  Sorry for the delay in posting - we've had some technical difficulties, as well as the end of the semester, which like you know, is never dull!

I'm sure you won't be surprised to hear the job search is still swinging!  On that note, have you heard of The Ladders?  It is a great portal to jobs AND job search info!

Here's a glimpse into what they've got going on!

If you're looking for a job or just looking for some tips on building yourself professionally, this is a great site, and their weekly emails are fantastic.

As always, feel free to leave your own job seeking tips! I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

What Lies Ahead, Job Huntress! ... But, What Lies Within?

Here are a few stats on what to expect in our technology-driven world as a job applicant.

Huh.  That's a little intimidating, isn't it?  From a statistical standpoint, what are the chances that I am the one person who is offered the position? 1/1000... 0.001.  Pardon me for a moment as I panic!

Of course, these estimations do not take into account one of our most powerful weapons: Networking.  We've talked about it before, and we can all agree, it's a key point of differentiation in the job search.  It's all about landing the interview before you land the job, and you can secure an interview much more easily if you know someone within the company.

If you'll notice, only the first three stages are computer driven.  Good news for you!  With your strong network, you'll bypass those steps and go straight to a real-live human!  You've prepared and practiced your concise description of what you want out of a job and what you can offer!  You know what you can bring to the table that no one else can, and that makes you unique and different.  You will catch the eye (& ear) of any recruiter and position yourself to succeed!

Though the stats seem a little ... daunting, don't let them intimidate you. Remember how far you've come and how hard you've worked to get to this place!

"What lies ahead of you is nothing compared to what lies within you," right?  So, when the job search - or any challenge - gets tough, hang in there!  You're kind of a big deal, so don't forget that!

Monday, April 9, 2012

What are YOUR Magnificent Seven?

Related to the most recent post, here's a challenge posed by CPG Supergroup:

In seven words or less, can you describe what you do?  
(You cannot use the words "I" or "We.")  

That's quite a toughie, but give it a try - it's kind of fun!  And it's certainly great practice for your elevator speech or self-promotion sales pitch!

Check out the CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) Supergroup on LinkedIn for some great networking opportunities and thought-provoking discussions!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

How's Your Sales Pitch?

I don't know about you, but the job search has taught me many lessons - many of which, I did not see coming!

For example, it is not as easy as it may appear to provide an eloquent, on-the-spot response to: "What kind of job are you looking for?"  Can you articulate your ideal job in 20 seconds or less?  Try it! It takes some serious thought!

You'd think it would be easy to rattle off an answer, particularly after submitting job applications, drafting customized cover letters, exchanging emails with friends and colleagues on the topic, and giving it plenty of thought, wouldn't you?  However, it has taken time and practice for me to craft an authentic and articulate description of what I'm looking for!

With this in mind, I wanted to share a few points on how to communicate your career objectives and how to present your best, most authentic self in a concise and enthusiastic way:

Practice your sales pitch so that you can concisely convey the most valuable assets you've got that others don't - your skills, talents, passion and individuality!  Just like any other sales opportunity, the keys to promoting yourself are preparation, relevance and authenticity!  

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dear Stress, Let's Break Up

Exams, end-of-term projects, outside consulting projects, boxing training, social life, and oh, yes, the all-important job search...  It makes me want to say
Can you relate?!  It's safe to say each of us balances more than enough (too much?) to fill those meager 24 hours a day, and let's not forget the time we must devote to our jobs and sleep, let alone family time or time for ourselves to regroup, get grounded, get our wits about us - you know what I mean.  

How in the world can we hope to do it all and do it all well?  

I've realized that occasionally we have to re-evaluate our coping strategies and here's what I've found to be helpful: 
  • Prioritize
  • Do the best you can with the time, energy & resources you have
  • Don't hold yourself to an unreasonable standard of perfection because the yard stick we use to measure ourselves is much more stringent than the one others apply to our performance
  • Find the time for what's really important, what lets you shine, what gives you the energy to keep on
Fact: Stress really does do damage to our bodies!  The chemicals we secrete because of prolonged stress levels encourage colds, fatigue, sugar cravings and other conditions that can prohibit us from achieving greatness.  

Yikes-ski!  It certainly explains why I crave sugar & caffeine when I'm anxious, and it definitely makes me want to change my approach to life.  

Which is why I was so intrigued when a friend of mine recently mentioned the 10-10-10 rule.  Have you heard of it?  

Basically, with any decision that causes you unrest, apply this test: 
What are the consequences of the choice I make in 10 minutes? 10 months? 10 years?   

Gives you perspective, doesn't it?  

After he shared this with me, it gave me pause and  

What will really have an impact on my life over the long-haul?  What is that important? Certainly not a 100 on an Econ exam or the "perfect" term paper.

That is not to say that I won't give it all I can, but I realized I cannot get an A on every test this semester.  Other things take priority.  I cannot make more hours in the day, and I cannot sacrifice my sleep or health in the pursuit of perfection.  Besides, perfection is subjective and totally overrated! Life is too short!  We must do the best we can with what we have, and realize it truly is good enough!  

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Keep On Keeping On!

A Day In the Life of A Job-Hunting Grad Student

Ever since kicking the job search into high gear, the days are a little different than when I was "only a student."  Meetings, networking events, emails, internet searches and more have taken over the time I once only devoted to class work.  Talk about re-prioritization!  Don't tell my Econ professor, but one of my classes has slipped to the bottom of the totem pole! Can you guess which one?

Here is what to expect if you find yourself in the same boat.  (And don't worry, it IS manageable if you're smart about it!)

7 am - 8:30 am: Get up, make coffee, let the dogs out, assess which tasks I can handle while waiting for the coffee to kick in.  Decide to begin answering emails, work on taxes, and make a list of what to prepare for class this week.

8:35 am: Refill coffee mug.  Get my act together to go to kickboxing.

9:00 am - 10:00 am: Go to kickboxing.

10:00 am - 10:45 am:  Prepare for a meeting with our Alumni Association, grab a Luna Bar, rush out the door.  Run back inside to grab laptop. You never know, may need it later today... On the way, call my grandmother to check in since she had surgery this week.

11:00 am - 12:30 pm: Meet with alumni.  Start planning a Graduate Business Association mentor program with the Alumni Association to go into effect in the Fall.

12:35 pm: Grab lunch at Chipotle.  Read through emails on my phone while eating.  Find out my meeting later today with a social media guru who is helping me find a job needs to be rescheduled for two days later.  Send email to Career Coach at Georgia State to find out status on a couple internship applications and get names of contacts at target companies.

1:00 pm:  Receive harsh email from professor letting us know that the group presentation we've worked on for over a month has significant room for improvement.  Note: We have to give the presentation tomorrow. 

1:01 pmPanic.

1:04 pm - 4 pm:  Pull it together.  Breathe a sigh of relief that I have my laptop & that meeting was cancelled, which means the afternoon is wide open!  Send an email to the group - all of whom are employed full-time - to let them know I'll handle the editing, then thank my lucky stars that I'm a full-time student with time to work on this.  Take a few breaks from the project during which I check emails, follow-up on job applications, do a brief job search for my target companies... I might have gone on Facebook, too.  Just for a minute. :)

4 pm:  Reinforcements arrive!  Ashley, a team member, & I keep working on the presentation. Sheesh!

6 pm - 7:30 pm:  Change locations to grab a bite to eat while we keep working on the presentation.  Just today, we've spent over 6 hours of work on this presentation, folks!  This is exhausting!  I need a refill on my Diet Coke. We finally finish up the presentation, then send it out to group for final edits.

7:45pm to 10pm: Head home. Walk the dogs. Catch up on the other work I had to push to the side to work on the presentation.  Try to stay awake because I'm exhausted!

10pm - 11pm:  Get ready for bed.  Read a few chapters of the 2nd book in the Hunger Games series.  It's so good!

11 pm: Zzzzzzz....

As you can tell, there's a lot we students have to cram into one day!  The good news is, it always gets done.  It's weird.  Snafus and unpredictable challenges are inevitable, but, remarkably, they can sometimes be a blessing.  Had that meeting not been cancelled, there is no way we could have made such headway on the presentation with enough time to prepare.  Silver lining, you could say.  What I've learned is to swallow the panic and frustration and keep on keeping on.  It will always get done, and it will be good enough!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Just Say YES!

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
- Joseph Campbell

This past weekend, a friend of mine came into town.  He is a veteran skydiver and was heading to jump out of planes all weekend with a bunch of friends. It had been ages since we'd hung out, so we decided to meet at the drop zone (where all of the skydivers hang out/camp/jump).  He didn't mention it initially, but I suspected he might try to convince me to jump.  Let's just say this, I was hellbent that I would never fling my body out nothingness.  I mean, never.  

As you certainly guessed, of course, he tried to convince me.  For about 12 hours, he tried to convince me, and during those same 12 hours, I provided a variety of reasons why I would NOT be jumping out of a plane at 14,000 feet! 

But then he got me.  He came up with a reason so compelling, I couldn't stop the "yes" from falling out of mouth.

Here is what he said, "Katherine, when you're 85, you won't be worried about how much it cost or if you would have looked silly.  You'll be sitting on a patio wondering why you didn't do it and what it would have been like. There are all these people here who are cheering for you.  Just do it."

He appealed to the adventurer in me, to the Seize The Day girl who had let the (quite rational) fear keep her feet firmly on the ground.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I knew I didn't want to be the kind of girl who sat on a patio at 85 and wondered what it would have been like.  So, I jumped. Out of a plane. At 14,000 feet.

And you know what?  It was one of the best experiences of my life.  No kidding.  The entire experience was amazing - the people, the energy, the tumbling through the air trying to catch my breath.  I'm even thinking of getting licensed and doing this craziness more often!

I was so taken aback by how much this experience had truly changed me and the way I saw my life.  I mean, 14,000 feet really does give you a different perspective... I started thinking.  How many other times have I said no to experiences because I was afraid of not being good enough, looking silly, what may happen, what may not happen, etc.?  

Here's what I learned.  It doesn't matter if it's skydiving, a blind date, going to graduate school, a consulting project, a job for which you think you're not qualified...  SAY YES.  

Just do it!  Make the leap, swallow the fear, tell the voice that says "I can't do it" to hush up because you know what? You can do it!  You can make it in a new city; you can wow the pants off of that tough client; you can negotiate a higher salary!  You can!

The adventure that awaits when you step into the unknown - graduate school, a new job, a new home, off of a plane - is beyond your wildest dreams, and those are the moments that make life worthwhile.  So say yes to the adventure!

Friday, March 16, 2012

How's your Etiquette? Network Like a Pro on LinkedIn!

According to (a new fave website!), there are 10 rules to live by on LinkedIn. It is so easy to forget basic professional practices, but Greg Linnemanstons explains how to have good manners on the top professional social networking site. His ideas are even applicable in the real world and can easily be put into practice at the office, like #3! Check 'em out!

Connect with people you know.
Sounds obvious, right? "But accepting invitations from unknowns makes no sense, nor is it appropriate to invite the same," he says. In other words, don't be a LinkedIn creeper. You are developing your personal brand with every move you make. The business world is much smaller than you think, so keep that in mind when you're inviting other professionals to connect with you; after all, it is a professional site.  We have to act like it! 

Respond politely.
"Whether or not you accept an invitation to connect, a direct, professional response is usually the best next step," emphasizes Linnemanstons. Again, it is a professional site, so we must all act accordingly. If Mr. Linnemanstons turns down an invitation because he doesn't know someone, he encourages the person to find a way for them to meet personally to eliminate that objection. How classy!

Say please and thank you. Frequently.
"What we all should have learned in kindergarten applies to LinkedIn as well. When you ask for something say please. When someone does something considerate, even if it’s not invited, say thanks." These are just good manners for life in general. We could all hear please and thank you a little more often, don't you think?

Keep updates interesting and professional.
If you’ve accomplished something noteworthy, read something that’s valuable, or discovered something you think should be shared, definitely post it! However, consider it might detract from your personal brand if you have frequent updates like "what you had for lunch or what you’re doing this weekend with your family. Save it for Facebook."

Give recommendations to get recommendations. 
"There’s nothing wrong with asking for a recommendation. But the best way to ask is to first give one. The best recommendations should come from the people you already know and respect the most, and they are naturally the people you can most genuinely recommend." Win-win!

Be a responsible group manager.
"That means respond to requests quickly, and enforce group rules evenly. Enforcement isn’t for everyone, because everyone can interpret rules differently and that can lead to conflict, or to re-visiting rules. Being responsible as a manager means your rules will probably evolve as the group grows. Nothing wrong with that."

Be aware and follow group rules.
"If you want to avoid uncomfortable notes from group owners, read them before you start breaking them. Been there! And if you get called out as a transgressor, be an adult about it."  (Read: Be Professional.)

Be Honest.
"We’ve all experienced this. You find a former peer on LI, and as you review their experience, you see they’ve mis-represented a past role or the responsibilities they had. As a result, you look at everything they claim to have done since then with a little more skepticism. Don’t do anything that puts you at risk of harming your credibility."  You've worked hard to create your personal brand; protect it!

Don’t be a pest.
"You won’t do yourself any good professionally if you annoy people. We all know someone who does. Don’t be that person."

"Kind of like when you go to a party. Don’t go if you’re not going to talk to people and add to the energy of the group. Same thing with LI. Be active, share information, contribute to discussions, grow your footprint, and be additive to the collective good." Love this one!  It's so easy; be your sparkling self, seize the opportunity to show off how fantastic you are, and continue to build your brand!

What are your thoughts?  What's your etiquette edge? 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Upcoming Networking Opportunities!

Check out these upcoming Networking Events that promise great times and great opportunities!

March 23rd, 2012 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm
GBA Happy Hour with the GSU Business & Law Society at Hudson Grille (Brookhaven).  Flex MBA'ers, you'll also get one MBA Advantage Point to come cheer for your favorite team during March Madness!  Full members get 2 free drinks + apps!  For more info, check it out at

March 30th, 2012 at 6:30 (First Come, First Serve!)
The GBA is partnering with the International Business Alliance at Georgia State to offer even more events!  Check out the upcoming Dine & Unwind: How to Do Business in South Korea!  These sorts of events offer an authentic meal from the country of interest, like South Korea, as well as a country expert who shares tips on doing business in each specific environment.  Be sure to RSVP ASAP! It's First Come First Serve, and space is limited to only 20 people!

What I Learned Wednesday for March 13, 2012

This week’s WILW is brought to you by… ME!

Why? Because I want to share with you what I have been learning about resumes, and let’s just say this about that, creating a resume is nothing compared to refining a resume!

Here are some tried, true, and tough tips I've learned from people who took the time to point me in the right direction. (Thank goodness they did, too, because I was NOT on the right track!)

A resume is to get you an interview NOT a job
And here, I thought that was the point – to make it obvious what a good fit I am for the job, not to make it clear I would be fun to meet in person… whew, I keep having to remind myself of this again and again as I go through draft after draft.

On that note, keep your CV/resume to ONE PAGE.
This task is particularly a challenge for those of us with robust experiences and lots of enthusiasm about the work we have done. (Not that I know anything about that!)  :)  So, be careful to avoid telling your life story. The point is to hook your audience and make them want to learn more about you and give you an interview! (Again, with the interview!)

Do NOT put anything in a resume you are not dying to talk about.
For instance, if you are looking to show off as a community minded individual and list your community service in a lofty manner, consider downplaying it if your only responsibility at your company’s Habitat for Humanity project was bringing the donuts. Just sayin’.

Every single line must relate to the job you’re going after.
You must convey that you are a good fit for the job with every word! 

Have separate resumes for each job/company to which you are applying.
Again, tailor your resume to what the company is looking for (which you can find out on their corporate website and within the job description). For example, if you’re going for a very creative agency gig, do not emphasize the conservative corporate work you’ve done in the past. Dazzle them with your creative pursuits and the innovative campaigns you developed!  

On the other hand, though, if you are dying to have a job with a prestigious investment bank that demands attention to detail and a focus on results, your resume should shine with your skills and experiences to showcase that side of yourself.  Emphasize the experiences you have had that relate to the objective they explain in the job description.

Stay tuned for more networking and job-hunting strategies.  These are the just a few of them!  And as always, I welcome your feedback on your own experiences and job hunting adventures, so please share!  

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Goal Setting: Every Day Goals Of My Own!

You Are Not a Tree!

"If you don’t like where you are, change it – you’re not a tree.” - Lululemon Athletica 

Wow! This perspective gives me such... perspective!  We are not trees!  We have the power to make choices that elicit change in our careers and our lives!

Forging the trail of a career change is not easy, particularly if you're looking to jump into an entirely different industry.  For instance, I am not dying to go back to finance, but my entire career (aka my résumé) concentrates on my experience in finance, which means I have to work pretty hard to reposition myself in the eyes of potential employers and interviewers.

But, driven by a desire to choose differently, I have to accept the challenge, and so do you!

Let's be honest, how many hours a day are spent at a j-o-b?  Isn't it better to be invigorated by the prospect of what lies ahead at the office than dread getting up every morning to devote 8-10 hours a day - sometimes 12 - to a "daily grind"?  (The phrase itself sounds terrible!)

Choose differently!  Set goals for your future and set an intention to align every choice to that goal.  I admit, sometimes that means accepting a position for a year or two to build your experience and your résumé so that you can achieve your dream later, and that's ok!  But no matter your age or situation, don't get stuck, or distracted from your dreams!

The next few months bring challenges for me that entail finding jobs which enliven me and for which I am qualified, as well as actively portraying myself as a marketer, not a financier, in the eyes of many audiences.  It will certainly be a learning experience, that's for sure!  But, the passion to abandon finance in the pursuit of marketing fuels the fire to take on this challenge.  I am not immobile, and I can choose differently.  So can you!

If you don't like where you are, change it.  If you don't like where you're going, change it!  You are not a tree!  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

How To : Apply Your Mind, Skills & Strategies to Every Performance

Whether it's a Blue Ocean for your Business or a Differentiation Tactic for Yourself, sustaining an advantage over the long haul is kind of a big deal!

Graham Jones recently blogged on regarding this exact point.  Remember how Malcolm Gladwell and other Top Ten Thinkers touted tips on how to stay on top? Well, Mr. Jones conducted a study on Superior Performance Intelligence (SPI) to nail down the MOJO he believes to be a form of wisdom, know-how, or intelligence.  He even finds it to be evident among the world's best athletes and has witnessed it among the best leaders and performers in work and military settings.  So, no matter your academic, athletic or professional prowess, you may want to get to know his know-how's!

Here's the Scoop on SPI's three core know-how's: 
  1. Knowing how to maximize your potentialcomprising three dimensions which reflect a self-knowledge and ability to self-regulate to realize your capability and potential: 'Knowing yourself', 'Stretching yourself', and 'Sustaining yourself'.
  2. Knowing how to work with your environmentcomprising three dimensions which involve knowing how to shape and use the performance environment to your advantage: 'Knowing your environment', 'Shaping your environment', and 'Being in tune with your environment'.
  3. Knowing how to deliver top performancecomprising three dimensions around the process of performing to high levels on a consistent basis: "Planning and preparing," "Delivering," and "Evaluating."
A gap or weakness, says Mr. Jones, in any of the know-how's will jeopardize longevity at the top. He continues with a poignant observation: So for the next generation of global leaders, getting to the top and staying will be about much more than working hard and long. And it will be much more than being in the right place at the right time. A big factor will be developing the know-how or intelligence identified here.

Oof, heavy stuff! But coupling our B-school experience with the tools we've taken from the real world, we can certainly rise to the challenge, don't you think?

Friday, March 2, 2012

A Sleeker You? Résumé Design!

I think it's safe to assume that each of us wants to differentiate ourselves as somehow unique in order to first, land the interview, and second, get paid more.  Am I right?

Fast Company's recently published an article spotlighting an innovative custom résumé design service that will dazzle up your résumé to ensure you wow your audience.  They are kind of snazzy! The first one featured may find itself the new format for my current run-of-the-mill résumé!

Even if you only take a cue from these geniuses who have developed a way to convey a sleeker version of yourself, they raise a valid point: How can you make your résumé work for you right away so you're working smarter not harder right at the get-go of your job-hunt?

As always, your comments are welcome!  How do you differentiate yourself among the masses?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Three Simple Rules For Life ... & Career!

What I Learned Wednesday for February 29th, 2012

This week's What I Learned Wednesday is brought to us by our Fearless Leader at the Robinson College of Business (RCB), Assistant Dean of Graduate Recruiting and Student Services, Toby McChesney!

For those of you who don't know Toby, you should certainly know this... Every day, he strives to enhance the lives of the students and the programs offered at RCB.  (I can vouch for that because I work with him!)

Case in point, Toby recently sought "official" input from the students at RCB.  (Rest assured, RCB'ers, he took that feedback seriously!)

Below, he shares what he learned from you that will lead to continuous improvement at RCB and in its B-school programs:
  • Academic advising sessions need to be held later in the day, particularly for those students who have class until 7 PM downtown.
  • Academic Advisors are valued by the students, but students would like to have more exposure and access to their advisors if possible.
  • Students need more assistance with concentrations and electives.  The good thing is that RCB offers a lot of these concentrations and electives, but we need to be sure that relevant and pertinent information is easily accessible to all of our students.
  • Students would like to see more social events for MBA students.  The Graduate Business Association hosts several events for students each semester, and the GBA is open to all RCB graduate students and they host several events a semester.  I want to ensure that everyone knows about these events. 

Toby's bottom line? 
I was reminded today that our students have a voice and have good ideas on ways through which we advise them.  I am glad that I sent this survey out to gather feedback.  Feedback is important for organizations to grow.  I encourage everyone to remember this always!  What great advice!  

Navigating higher education is as difficult and complex as navigating business, so like any leader, Toby has to stay ahead of the game to meet the needs of his target market: a population composed of a diverse graduate student body of innumerable cultures who are divided among 19 concentrations and four graduate programs.  Without a doubt, he is a very busy man!  But Toby's unwavering desire to serve the students, or get involved whenever we need an ally, is strikingly reassuring.  He is never too caught up in the whirlwind of his profession to answer emails or address concerns brought to his attention.  As I'm sure you are familiar, it is refreshing to know that a person with power in an organization, like Toby for example, is willing to go to bat for you.  

If you have any questions for Toby, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or two.  I'll pass them along!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thought Leadership: Who Do The Big Timers Listen To?

Have you ever considered who the Real Movers-and-Shakers in Business rely on for advice and thought leadership?  How do these Big Timers and Headliners stay on top of their game?  We grad students look to those Big Deal C-Suite Execs for advice and insights, but to whom do they turn for navigation in our fast-moving business environment?

If you're thinking Malcolm Gladwell or Michael Porter, you're spot on!  But, according to Business Insider, there are TEN Thinkers that Executives actually listen to.  

Check out their Top Ten List below:
  1. Malcolm Gladwell, award-winning New Yorker writer and one of Time's 2005 most influential people; author of The Tipping Point, Blink & Outliers.
  2. Don Tapscott, "one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation, media, globalization and the economic and social impact of technology on business and society" (says The Thinkers50) and author of one of the first books about how the Internet would completely change business.  WHOA!  
  3. Marcus Buckingham, a revolutionary thought leader advocating focusing on your strengths - not trying to be something you're not. (I like the sound of that!)
  4. Marshall Goldsmith, creator of "360-degree feedback" and the writer of The Leader of the Future and MOJO: How to Get It, How to Keep It, and How to Get It Back If You Lose It.  (This book sounds great, and listen to this... the book focuses around creating and seizing "the moment when we do something that's purposeful, powerful and positive and the rest of the world recognizes it."  Watch out, World! And Hello, WishList!)
  5. Roger Martin, known for his book The Opposable Mind: How Successful Leaders Win Through Integrative Thinking, The Design of Business and Fixing the Game: Bubbles, Crashes and What Capitalism can Learn from the NFL.
  6. Of course, the esteemed Michael Porter!  Need I say anymore?
  7. Jim Collins, author of Good to Great  & How the Might Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In, which identifies the five sequential stages of a business' decline.  
  8. Vijay Govindarajan, or VG, one of the top experts on strategy and innovation who was GE's first Professor in Residence and Chief Innovation Consultant. His popular books include Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators and The Other Side of Innovation, which "focuses on how to turn an innovative idea into a successful commercial business."  (I will be looking into this one to shed some light on Blue Oceans & starting my own business!) 
  9. And speaking of Blue Ocean... W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne, co-directors of INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute in Fontainebleau, France and authors of Blue Ocean Strategy, a thesis revealing that most companies are competing in overcrowded industries (Red Oceans), so it is better to innovate than compete.  Sound familiar?
  10. Clayton Christensen, author of The Innovator's Dilemma, a book on every entrepreneur's reading list if not already on their nightstand.  He has advised executives of many of the world's major corporations who used his guidance to generate tens of billions of dollars every year (!!!) from product and service innovations inspired by his research.  
I don't know about you, but I am certainly inspired to some cues from these trailblazers!  Talk about being motivated to make some room for more reading and forge a path to bring passion to your profession!  

Having considered these thought-innovators and assessed the potential of the next generation (Us) to hop onto this list, we must raise the obvious question:  Who is the next thought leader and advisor to the Movers-and-Shakers of today and tomorrow?  IS IT YOU!?  

Monday, February 27, 2012

Social Policy meets Social Media

Most of us associate social media as the medium through which we connect with our own community and circles of friends, or 140 character news feeds from celebrities and industry movers-and-shakers. But, the potential of these technologies has leapt outside traditional perspectives of their purpose.

Get a load of this! Economic Policy makers around the world are now marrying social media with social innovation movements to effect positive change in our world. A specific example, Speed Geeking.

We can all agree that social media has transformed the ways we communicate and connect due to its transcension of every border and boundary. It is, therefore, hardly surprising that policy makers and open source activists have taken an interest in leveraging these tools to help visualize and solve problems, such as coral reef destruction, mining activities near chimpanzee habitats, and the defense of our own personal information despite the complexities of the modern information space.

Consider Morocco's Director of Social Transformation, Sidi Maelainin.  He interwove his vision for social and government policy changes with the groundswell of social media communities. The conference allowed for a quick overview of how technology can support the work he's trying to do.

A few feet away, a company touted new mobile technologies designed to help farmers in specific emerging markets.  Other tech solutions allowed users to learn about, interact and participate in events leading up to Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June.

Presenters, like Nathan Freitas of The Guardian Project, were excited to share innovative, yet simple apps used to protect mobile communications from "unjust intrusion and monitoring."  Remember in some countries, mobile devices are tied to the real-life identities of their users.  Imagine the implications in such environments where access to information is so tightly controlled by the government or identity theft runs rampant!

Perhaps my perception of the social media trend has been confined by my definition of "social."  What an inspiring wake up call to discover that not only politicians, marketing mavens and international business leaders have embraced social media, but so, too, have leaders in emerging markets and public policy!

These individuals labor to improve accessibility and quality of life.  They have continually and tirelessly explored the power of social media in the pursuit of positive change, and they have now spurred me to consider the future, and previously unimaginable, implications of social media.

So, what is next?  What innovative social media solutions can we, will we, uncover that will allow us to navigate the interconnectedness of both business climates and global public policy?  What do you see as the future of social media?

Friday, February 24, 2012

How Scared Are You? Maybe Not Enough!

If you can dream it, you can do it!  Go BIG-GER!

Are You Scared? Size Matters!

"Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to require the most from you." 

- Caroline Myss, best-selling author, speaker and medical intuitive. 

It seems we have a recurring theme about goal setting!

Particularly for those of us looking to create our ideal life after graduate school, and even for those of us who create our ideal life everyday (BRAVO!!), the recent articles and quotes we've seen help provide direction and motivation.

For realistic implementation tips, especially if you are looking to advance your career during or after graduate school, check out your local career center or ask business leaders within your network for advice and guidance. They may further direct you to their own gurus and mentors for guidance or help networking! SCORE!

While navigating the job hunt, one thing I have certainly found to be true - time and time again - is a genuine interest among people to help. Others, such as faculty, business leaders and mentors, truly desire to give back. Seize opportunities to gain from any gurus', experts', busboys', and friends' inevitable tales of career glories and glooms, and listen to their mistakes. Use that wisdom to set (and bulldoze through) the BHAG's of your own career path!

One more thing to consider... To create balance and a snowball of success and motivation for yourself, think about setting goals in all aspects of your life. When you are inspired and invigorated in one area, it will inevitably dribble into the others, spurring you ahead to conquer every lofty, heart-palpitating, "eek!" goal. Who doesn't want that for themselves!?

In short, choose that which scares you! Dream BIG! If you fail, it's ok! Failure in an endeavor does not equate failure as a person, and people do not expect perfection. Being flawed and being equipped with any such experiences in your pocket, you will still forge ahead as a better person, a better friend, and a better leader. You will relate to others and motivate them to reach for the "impossible." After all, you did it, and look how far you've come!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

How's Your Aim?

"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life."

Dr. David M. Burns, professor and best-selling author.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Goal Setting, All the Kids Are Doing It!

Goal setting is all the rage these days. Short term, long term, personal, professional, academic, physical, spiritual... No matter what area of life, we're all setting goals, and we should!

According to Lululemon, writing down a detailed vision for your ideal life (being as descriptive as possible) helps to identify the goals you need to achieve to realize your vision.

Their "secret sauce to success" encompasses SIX CORE CONCEPTS FOR VISION AND GOAL SETTING. Short, sweet and significant - sounds like a winning recipe to me!

Get a load of these tried, tested and true methods for making your pie-in-the-sky the pie on your plate!

1. Possibility! 
Audrey Hepburn once said, "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says 'I'm Possible'!" Don't become too grounded in your past or "perceived constraints." Let your mind soar because a "mindset of possibility" allows you see a life without self-imposed constraints. Let go of "I don't have the time," or "I don't have the money."  Can't never Could, and Don't never Did.

2. Vision!
Creating a clear picture of your achieved outcome ("goal") will allow them to become powerful and meaningful to you! Articulate and envision your ideal life, scenario, job, etc. with as much detail, imagery and clarity as possible! We want it to be so real, it will get you out of bed in the morning! Check out lulu's definition of what composes "a powerful vision" for even more oomph on the matter.

3. Balance!
How often have we heard balance lately? Finding work/life balance, finding travel/health balance... Balance seems the theme of the week, and it matters (maybe even more so!) when you're breathing life into your goals. "Having balanced goals leads to a balanced life," so consider setting goals for all main areas in your life, like personal, professional & physical, so you don't leave any opportunities for fulfillment on the table.

4. Audacity!
This one is AWESOME!  Goals must be BHAG's!  Big Hairy Audacious Goals!  Doesn't that just sound horrendously inspirational?!  I have a wonderfully vivid mental picture of Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are every time I read this phrase.  The trick to knowing how BH&A your G's are?  You should be failing 50% of the time.  It's exhilarating but completely terrifying!  
5. Format!
Don't be wishy-washy!  You're no wimp in life, let's not be one on paper!  Use quantifiable, specific words in the present tense.  Start big - at 10 year goals - and work your way to your short term goals - 1 year.  (I wrote down a slew of goals on Post-It Notes, then organized them into time frames by making piles.  I was less hindered and could get creative and a little free-flowy.)  
Set deadlines for your goals, and use affirmative language! (don't use don't!)  My favorite aspect to formatting is this: Be concise. Use as few words as possible; no justification is required. There is such freedom in those words.

6. Integrity!
You've done the brainwork; now it's time for the real work.  You've now set your goals... How do you live them with integrity, integrating these goals into your daily life?  What about creating a system to honor and serve your goals?  Put them into your iCalendar, or set time aside to devote towards bringing them to life.  Post them on your fridge.   Also, enlist support!  Get your family and friends on board so they know what you're working towards, what you stand for and how to support you.  I read today that Oprah said, "Surround yourself only with people who will take you higher."  Apropros, don't you think?

Lululemon's are just a few ingredients that will set you on your way to goal setting, and there are many more. But boy, did Lulu's get me going more any I've seen!   I am already hopping to make my lists and create the life I've imagined! I hope you are, too!

For more on goal setting and a colorful vision-and-goals worksheet, check out lululemon's blog. Or share your own tips with us by posting comments!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Marketing & Networking: A Match Made in Heaven!

Did you know that 80%-90% of jobs are found through networking?

If you are a Marketing Maven, Marketing Master or Marketing MBA, get involved in your local chapter of the American Marketing Association!  For those of us in Atlanta, check them out here.

Robinson College of Business has their own chapter, too!  Check them out on Facebook!  They are quite impressive at keeping you up-to-date on their local events and with other value-added posts.

If you feel you can't afford to get involved, volunteering with the AMA even offers you networking opportunities to further your success by giving you access to incredible speaker series and allowing you to rub elbows with marketing movers-and-shakers! 

Interested in becoming an AMA member?  Check out their website!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Garbage In, Garbage Out?

You know the old adage, "Garbage In, Garbage Out"... Well, every time I turn around, this message is meeting me head on, leading me to consider my own speed and accuracy in information processing.

How have I been approaching decision making?  How should I approach decision making in order to avoid a GIGO type situation, particularly with the real world quickly coming up on the horizon?  I don't think real life leadership is a multiple choice exam, do you?  If it is, I'm going to need a study guide, STAT.

But in all seriousness, I started to really think about this.  Questions raced through my mind... Am I actively seeking quality input - paying attention in class, listening instead of just being ready with a response, thinking critically about the case assignments and readings?  Am I doing enough to stay current and up-to-date on real business topics and trends?  How can I possibly hope to deliver quality output through my perceptions, interactions, and decisions in the workplace & the world if I don't have all the information, all the current data?  When it's time, how can I be a great leader, or even a good leader, if I don't have all of the facts?  The world is go-go-go! How do these CMO's possibly make decisions in such a fast moving marketplace?

So, I leaned on some very insightful life gurus - Scot Safon, the Sensei of Critical Thinking, my mentor and recently, a veteran CEO - for some pretty solid advice, and here is the skinny:

Be a Life Long Learner.  
Be a Sponge of Information. 
... And Don't Expect Perfection.  Aha! And There We Are. 

Seeking critical, current knowledge about the business world and my own competitive environment (research on my target company, social media and marketing innovations, etc.) does allow me to stay informed, but how do I stay agile and relevant in a climate of constant change?  There must be some sort of a balance between speed and accuracy.  There is.  Turns out "Garbage In, Garbage Out" isn't so cut and dry.  "Garbage" is all relative.

Obviously, the ability to adapt and react quickly is key.  Responding effectively and intelligently is invaluable.  Together, we realize sometimes that means you make the best decision you can with the information you have.  Yes, we want to make well-educated, decisions, but there is a clear difference between reacting and responding.  We want to be in the middle.

Reacting too quickly and off-the-cuff leads us to making poor choices just to get the decision done; we may overlook critical information simply out of fear of missing an opportunity or  waiting too long for more information risks living in the land of diminishing returns, missing an opportunity, letting go of a competitive edge, or missing out on a fun opportunity.  The magic is in the middle.  Go with your gut.  Get as much information as you can without sacrificing too much of your favorite fleeting resource - time - and make the best decision you can.

Pondering this, I am the first to admit, I fly by the seat of my pants.  In some cases, I will make a decision just for decision-making sake, thinking I need to move on to the next thing; let's get this done.  Other times, I hem and haw over a dinner menu as though I'm selecting my last meal on earth.  For me, I indeed recognize there is a need for more of a balance between the two, giving up being reactive to instead be responsive.

What about you?  How do you balance agility with the need for speed?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

You're a Social Media Expert?

As marketers and future MBA's, we all want to find ways to differentiate ourselves, don't we?

But look out for the pitfalls!  While you're selling your strengths, be sure you know your stuff!

For instance, do you call yourself a social media expert?  Yes?  Then be sure to check out this commentary - short, sweet and a bit of levity!  The article itself is from 2009, so, as a neophyte, I can safely say, in 2012, I have a lot of catching up to do!

One commentator, JP, had a few additional thoughts which revved my motivation to raise my social media savvy:

  • Their twitter feeds are primarily RT’s & tiny url’s.
  • The last time they’ve updated their blog was in 2008.
  • They advertise numbers of followers but can’t measure engagement. **Heads up, Marketers!
  • They talk about content as if it’s a thing to be had and not a conversation.
  • They talk to you about behavioral targeting, but cannot list more than two inherent social network behaviors. ** 
  • They can't name a single market vertical based social network.

If you Google "how to become a social media expert," you will be intrigued by the industry insights into the perceived value, the legitimacy and the controversy over the relevancy of being a quote-unquote Expert in Social Media.  Some of the commentaries, for this post especially, are of great interest!

What are your thoughts?


In case you are not aware, Mr. Scot Safon is Executive Vice President, CNN Worldwide/General Manager, HLN (Headline News), where he is responsible for the management of the HLN television network. Not only is he a distinguished business leader locally and globally, but he is renowned for being a dynamic, engaging, spellbinding speaker, and he did not disappoint!

Recently, Mr. Safon spoke at the 2012 AMA Collegiate Conference, and both his persona and presentation were captivating! He shared the remarkable story of his career path, which started with a dream of creating movie posters! Through the twists and turns, Mr. Safon stayed true to himself, his goals, his passion and just went for it - one wild opportunity after another! No one, not even the Long Island Native himself, could ever have imagined that the pursuit of his passions and his curiosity for life would lead him towards an illustrious career at a news network in Atlanta, GA!

As he wove the unusual story of how his career unfolded for the attendees, here is the advice he shared:

Know How To Write.
Whether it's technical, persuasive or trade writings, know how to write. Be concise and well-rounded. Familiarize yourself with all sorts of media and be able to decipher what is appropriate for each specific medium. Consider your audience and know how to communicate effectively. Know when to use industry lingo and when to "just talk."

Be Curious!
Listen to everyone and anyone's career story. You will learn many things from many people in many stations of life. Accept you don't know everything! The path can be weird, scary and unpredictable, and you may be asked to do things you don't want to do. You will not be handed your dream leadership role right away, and these experiences may be stepping stones in your career path. See them with a curious mind, and learn all that you can.

Stay a Student.
Don't be afraid or intimidated to learn new things. Always take stock of yourself and consider what you may have learned from your past as you look towards your future. Enjoy being a member of a team as much as you like being, or want to be, a leader. You can learn from sitting on both sides of the table. Ask questions, and be both enthusiastic and open to where your journey may take you.

Know What You're Talking About.
When you feel passionately, consider "why do I like or dislike this?" When you see something that works, ask yourself "why is this successful?" Have an opinion and be able to articulate it. Even if your idea is "off," it's best to at least have an idea. Voice that well-formed, passionate opinion and engage!

Bring Your Passion to Your Profession!
Whether your passion is serving others, or you're energized by an outside activity, like yoga (Scot's passion), let it waft into your professional life. Find a job that fufills your passion, or find a passion that propels you through every day. Passion is key!

If you think you know what you want to do, DO IT! You can work in whatever you want to! But, again, know what you're talking about; have intensive and extensive knowledge of that industry, company, or role. Then GO! If you can dream it, you can do it!

Be True to Yourself!
Know what motivates you and know where you want to go. Pursue your goals and be comfortable saying no to an opportunity if it just doesn't feel "right." Be true to who you are and who you want to become!

As you forge ahead to carve out your own career to serve as a dynamic, enthusiastic, ebullient leader, consider these words from the wise. Be authentic, curious and open to possibility! Then just GO! There's nothing stopping you!