In case you are not aware, Mr. Scot Safon is Executive Vice President, CNN Worldwide/General Manager, HLN (Headline News), where he is responsible for the management of the HLN television network. Not only is he a distinguished business leader locally and globally, but he is renowned for being a dynamic, engaging, spellbinding speaker, and he did not disappoint!
Recently, Mr. Safon spoke at the 2012 AMA Collegiate Conference, and both his persona and presentation were captivating! He shared the remarkable story of his career path, which started with a dream of creating movie posters! Through the twists and turns, Mr. Safon stayed true to himself, his goals, his passion and just went for it - one wild opportunity after another! No one, not even the Long Island Native himself, could ever have imagined that the pursuit of his passions and his curiosity for life would lead him towards an illustrious career at a news network in Atlanta, GA!
As he wove the unusual story of how his career unfolded for the attendees, here is the advice he shared:
Know How To Write.
Whether it's technical, persuasive or trade writings, know how to write. Be concise and well-rounded. Familiarize yourself with all sorts of media and be able to decipher what is appropriate for each specific medium. Consider your audience and know how to communicate effectively. Know when to use industry lingo and when to "just talk."
Be Curious!
Listen to everyone and anyone's career story. You will learn many things from many people in many stations of life. Accept you don't know everything! The path can be weird, scary and unpredictable, and you may be asked to do things you don't want to do. You will not be handed your dream leadership role right away, and these experiences may be stepping stones in your career path. See them with a curious mind, and learn all that you can.
Stay a Student.
Don't be afraid or intimidated to learn new things. Always take stock of yourself and consider what you may have learned from your past as you look towards your future. Enjoy being a member of a team as much as you like being, or want to be, a leader. You can learn from sitting on both sides of the table. Ask questions, and be both enthusiastic and open to where your journey may take you.
Know What You're Talking About.
When you feel passionately, consider "why do I like or dislike this?" When you see something that works, ask yourself "why is this successful?" Have an opinion and be able to articulate it. Even if your idea is "off," it's best to at least have an idea. Voice that well-formed, passionate opinion and engage!
Bring Your Passion to Your Profession!
Whether your passion is serving others, or you're energized by an outside activity, like yoga (Scot's passion), let it waft into your professional life. Find a job that fufills your passion, or find a passion that propels you through every day. Passion is key!
If you think you know what you want to do, DO IT! You can work in whatever you want to! But, again, know what you're talking about; have intensive and extensive knowledge of that industry, company, or role. Then GO! If you can dream it, you can do it!
Be True to Yourself!
Know what motivates you and know where you want to go. Pursue your goals and be comfortable saying no to an opportunity if it just doesn't feel "right." Be true to who you are and who you want to become!
As you forge ahead to carve out your own career to serve as a dynamic, enthusiastic, ebullient leader, consider these words from the wise. Be authentic, curious and open to possibility! Then just GO! There's nothing stopping you!
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