Exams, end-of-term projects, outside consulting projects, boxing training, social life, and oh, yes, the all-important job search... It makes me want to say
Can you relate?! It's safe to say each of us balances more than enough (too much?) to fill those meager 24 hours a day, and let's not forget the time we must devote to our jobs and sleep, let alone family time or time for ourselves to regroup, get grounded, get our wits about us - you know what I mean.
How in the world can we hope to do it all and do it all well?
I've realized that occasionally we have to re-evaluate our coping strategies and here's what I've found to be helpful:
- Prioritize
- Do the best you can with the time, energy & resources you have
- Don't hold yourself to an unreasonable standard of perfection because the yard stick we use to measure ourselves is much more stringent than the one others apply to our performance
- Find the time for what's really important, what lets you shine, what gives you the energy to keep on
Fact: Stress really does do damage to our bodies! The chemicals we secrete because of prolonged stress levels encourage colds, fatigue, sugar cravings and other conditions that can prohibit us from achieving greatness.
Yikes-ski! It certainly explains why I crave sugar & caffeine when I'm anxious, and it definitely makes me want to change my approach to life.
Which is why I was so intrigued when a friend of mine recently mentioned the 10-10-10 rule. Have you heard of it?
Basically, with any decision that causes you unrest, apply this test:
What are the consequences of the choice I make in 10 minutes? 10 months? 10 years?
Gives you perspective, doesn't it?
After he shared this with me, it gave me pause and
What will really have an impact on my life over the long-haul? What is that important? Certainly not a 100 on an Econ exam or the "perfect" term paper.
That is not to say that I won't give it all I can, but I realized I cannot get an A on every test this semester. Other things take priority. I cannot make more hours in the day, and I cannot sacrifice my sleep or health in the pursuit of perfection. Besides, perfection is subjective and totally overrated! Life is too short! We must do the best we can with what we have, and realize it truly is good enough!
That is not to say that I won't give it all I can, but I realized I cannot get an A on every test this semester. Other things take priority. I cannot make more hours in the day, and I cannot sacrifice my sleep or health in the pursuit of perfection. Besides, perfection is subjective and totally overrated! Life is too short! We must do the best we can with what we have, and realize it truly is good enough!
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