Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You Are Not In Kansas Anymore...

Once upon a time, many semesters ago, when I was just getting adjusted to B-school and friends and family were adapting to this lifestyle choice I'd made, we would quickly glaze over the subject of how classes were going before really getting into the nitty gritty of conversations: what we did over the weekend, what was going on at work, who said this, who did that, who got engaged, who is having a baby, etc.  Most of the time the conversations simply revolved around daily minutia, things that had happened to us and the people in our lives.

Oh, how times have changed.  Let me just tell you how B-School will change your life:

- TV will never be the same again.  You will assess commercials very differently because you are now aware of what makes a good commercial or what doesn't and why.  You are an educated consumer at the very least, and one who is not easily fooled. You may actually not channel surf, but look forward to the time when the commercials are aired, and not just during the Super Bowl.

- Products like Baking Soda and Salsa will never be the same.  Once you've done case studies on these products (and more!), the associations and information you retained will wash over you like a tidal wave when you hear mention of these products in daily conversation or when you walk down certain aisles at the supermarket.

-  And speaking of the supermarket, that will never be the same again either. You will know why certain products are positioned where, why products are on sale, the supply chain organization that allowed the products to be in the grocery store in the first place, and how the grocer marked up the product and why.

-  The Airline Industry, Apple, and eBay will forever be changed in your mind because you know why they are pioneers, how they transformed their industries, how their capabilities became their competitive advantages and why Professor Palmer loves Herb Zimmerman (because he's great!  - both Palmer and Herb.)

-  Your friends will never look at you quite the same because you talk about core competencies and Blue Oceans at Christmas parties, and they have no idea what that means.  (Hint: either get different friends or don't talk about these things in social situations unless your friends are grad students.  It's lost on everyone else.)

These are just a few of the gradual shifts you'll see in your awareness, observations and intellect.

Toto, you're not in Kansas anymore.  That tornado whipped you into a whole new world, so get ready for the ride or just enjoy what's left of it! It goes by in a blur!

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