Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Who Does Your PR?

At this stage in our careers, most of us do not have a PR team or an agent on hand to create buzz around our résumé or around our potential to be The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread.

It is up to us.  We are our own PR team setting out to promote ourselves with grace and gusto as we audition for the next big promotion or the dream job.

With this in mind, I have to share what I stumbled upon while sitting through a class at 9:30 on a Thursday night.  (Yes, I probably should have been paying attention, but I couldn't.  I was amazed by the pizzazz of this mesmerizing resume!  Besides, isn't promoting our own personal brand a lesson in marketing management?  Let's consider this Real World Training, my friends.)

So there I was, spellbound by this innovative job application technique and technology.  Check it out immediately if not sooner!

Of course, we do not have to (nor should we) imitate Hanna's exact style or her animation or diction, but we can emulate the spirit of her présumé.

You are unique with your own distinguishing characteristics and individual "core competencies" (Thanks, MBA 8000), so consider how can you showcase your strengths and individualism to help the world see you as The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread?

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