I don't know about you, but I am already thinking about next semester... maybe because it's the last one for me!
Having convinced myself to get a head start while I should be laying low and recovering from last semester, I have begun trying to blend my internship schedule with my class schedule while also trying to schedule the fun stuff - running, yoga and friends - to add balance and joy and to reduce the stress of the sometimes-grueling-but-always-busy grad student lifestyle.
(If you haven't noticed, blowing off steam is important! Make sure you include time with friends, working out, travel - whatever makes you happy! - when you set your own expectations for next semester!)
Just this morning, ironically, I saw Seven Things Highly Productive People Do on a news feed, and I think I may need to heed this one below as I already start taking on more than I can chew and foresee feeling overwhelmed - not uncommon among B-schoolers, I suspect!
Over the next few days, I am going to check out these Seven Secrets so that I can work smarter not harder next semester, and I'll pass along the gems to you! Enjoy!
Work backwards from goals to milestones to tasks.
Writing “launch company website” at the top of your to-do list is a sure way to make sure you never get it done. Break down the work into smaller and smaller chunks until you have specific tasks that can be accomplished in a few hours or less: Sketch a wireframe, outline an introduction for the homepage video, etc. That’s how you set goals and actually succeed in crossing them off your list.
I've been layering all that stuff in, and so far it's working! Hooray for master schedules.
ReplyDeleteJinah! Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I'm thrilled that you it was able to help!