It went by so quickly! But, sadly, it does seem fitting that I now bid adieu to this All Up In Your B-School blog.
Having sat with the predicament of what could be the final post for quite a while, a common thread finally emerged from the trials and tribulations of this past year, so here we go!
The one last lesson I have learned since leaving the classroom and embarking on the grand adventure known as "The Real World" is this:
You will never stop learning and that which is the most difficult will be your best teacher.
Whether that challenge takes the form of a project or a person, you will learn. You will grow. You will never grow stagnant or lose your edge if you choose to be open to the lessons that are often a hard, bitter pill to swallow.
Just a hypothetical: A guy starts on your team at work. He is quite knowledgeable about the subject matter at hand. He is well-versed in all the technologies that your company implements, and his background lends itself to strategic discussions regarding your niche customer segment, but he also does not allow others to voice their opinions. He monopolizes every conversation and addresses all team members, including his superiors, with an air of condescension. Any normal person would be irritated (& maybe even plotting his demise).
Not the ideal situation, right?
Here, my friend, is the great epiphany that is simultaneously a real bummer, yet a very liberating idea: You cannot change this crazy person.
You yourself are the only "change-able" factor in this equation. You can and will have to change to adapt to this situation.
I know, I know, you're saying, "This guy's the maniac, and I have to change?!"
Well, yes, yes you do.
Here is why...
The people and projects that drive you nuts will show you the door that will take you to the next level, but it's up to you to open the door and walk through it.

Turn this guy into your greatest teacher. Use your brainpower to do your own personal SWOT analysis instead of silently plotting how to trip him when he walks out of the meeting. What does he know that you could learn? Which of his qualities, characteristics, or experiences are, indeed, part of being successful in your industry or role? Which could help you talk the talk or walk the walk into your next promotion? What can be learned from managing his personality? What elements of business savvy can you observe that will help you distinguish yourself from others in your next job application process, during your next board meeting, or in starting up conversation at your next networking event?
It's your secret mission, should you choose to accept it. Let the biggest challenges challenge you to rise to the occasion and into the corner office or out the door to start your own business.

But you have what it takes to keep growing and reaching and dreaming and climbing, and you will achieve what you put your mind (and heart) to. I believe in you!
And even more so, I must also say Thank You.
I wasn't quite sure how to part with this sweet vehicle that was my partner in crime through business school. It brought with its inception a life of its own and gave me a special filter through which I could see the life of a graduate student as I told it to you. It allowed me to connect with you and brought along a unique, objective perspective to my graduate school memories. I would not have been afforded such a gift without this blog, and for that, I must thank you.
I wish you the best of luck in all your adventures and success ahead. If you ever have questions, reach out to the Graduate Admissions and Student Services Office at GA State. (They still know where to find me!) :)
Thank you.